Flake broadcast flooring has a scattering of decorative flakes sandwiched between the base coat and the finishing coat. The flakes are either polymer (plastic) or reflective metallic, also known as chips, and come in a wide range of colours and sizes. The flake system has a granite or stone appearance.
Surface preparation is the basis for all of our coating jobs. We take prep very seriously as it is the leading cause of failures in coatings.
Some manufacturers offer a 20 year warranty on their products, however, if the floor hasn’t been prepped properly, those manufacturers will not replace the product and the client is left to battle with their installer.
The key to a successful coating, like any construction project, is a contractor with integrity! Hardscapes maintains long-term relationships with manufacturers, suppliers, and clients alike by providing high quality products with high quality installation.
Flake broadcasts floors are just one of many flooring options that Hardscapes is proud to stand behind. Take a few minutes to view our video.
Want to learn more about these products and systems? Give us a call at 403-547-5597 to discuss how we can give you the flake broadcast floor that’s perfect for you.